Tiny TOTS start as young as 1 years old all the way up to 2.5 years of age. Once your TOT can start walking, they can begin TINY TOTS classes. This class will get to jump in the princess bouncy house to get them in and going and then we will work on crawling through tunnels, walking on the balance beams, and starting to work on table tops and forawrd rolls!

*Once they show understanding of certain skills and reach the right maturity level, they will be bumped up to our TOTS Classes*


This group is our mature 2 yr olds to young 4 yr olds) that express an interest in gymnastics. They will work on body positions, forward and backward rolls, table tops, donkey kicks (progressing on to handstands eventually). We offer a fun group class with other tots their age. We will run through obstacle courses in addition to lots of games to get their energy out all while still building their flexibility, strength and athletic ability.

*Once they show understanding of certain skills and reach the right maturity level, they will be bumped up to our Beginner Classes*



This entry level tumbling class will allow your child to master basic tumbling skills by utilizing safe progressions.  In this class, your child will learn and master forward and backward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, and bridges.



This class is identical to BEGINNER 1. Students in this class have mastered those skills with a little more execution than BEGINNER 1. 


After mastering skills from the BEGINNER classes, your child will begin to work running tumbling (running cartwheels and round offs), walking in their handstands, handstand falling into bridge, and falling into their bridge as well as bridge kick overs.



BCHS--Backhandspring 1

After Intermediate skills have been reached, BCHS 1 class will teach the fundamentals of the back handspring, strengthen the core muscle groups needed for back handsprings, and work back handspring drills. Once we see a level of understanding and strength, we will work the back handspring!


 BCHS--Backhandspring 2

This class is the same version of BCHS 1 class--Just for the more advanced group that are close to doing their back handspring unassisted on the cheese mat and/or air track. We will begin working them on the floor once they are mastered on all apparatus'.



Once the standing back handspring has been mastered with correct form and technique, we will move on to work series back handsprings as well as running Round off backhandsprings (and series). We will then move on to work back tucks, back layouts and on to full twisting layouts. If there is an interest, we will also work front tumbling (front tucks, side/front aerials, front handsprings, etc.).